When the Moon Is Calling…

What is it about the Moon?

Is it the way I feel her drawing me close, wrapping me in her celestial embrace?

Is it the way I look at her with longing…and feel her longing for me in return?

Or is it the way I remember the role she used to play, the respect and reverence she used to command back before her power was dismissed?

Like many women, I’ve always been instinctively drawn to the Moon.

I’ve always felt it’s held something for me…



The reminder of Ancient Times.

There is something about the Moon that has me…and maybe it has you too.

As women, we are lacking in the knowledge that would’ve been passed down to us had we lived in a time of circle, tribes, and Sacred Feminine support.

Most of us no longer have the oral traditions, the lessons in the Sacred, and the guidance that connects us to the Earth, the Stars, and Our Magic.

And that is what I am of service to.

Here, we are in service to the Ancient Ways, making sure we don’t lose touch with what used to keep our Souls alive.

The Moon is a foundational piece of that. She is the foundation of a Sacred Feminine Life.

She is the Holder of the Cyclical Blueprint, the Bearer of Wisdom, the Guardian of the Night.

And it is time we Remembered her Mysteries.

This Summer, I invite you to join me for The Moon Mysteries, a 3 part mini-course that will help you reconnect to the ancient threads that are longing for your remembrance...


In this module, we will explore the Ancient Herstory of the Moon, the powers held within the phases of the Moon, and why the Moon is such an important Sacred Tool for women. 

This module is foundational and sets the stage for the deepening of the mysteries in the following modules…


In Module 2, we will focus on 3 Mistresses of the Moon.  I'll take you on a journey deep into the mythology surrounding each Lunar Goddess, the wisdom and medicine she has for us, and how to connect with each of them to deepen your spiritual practice.


Module 3 is the most mystical of all the modules. In this module you will learn a variety of Sacred Practices & Tools to help you deepen your connection to the Moon.

This is where we go from grounded to deeply spiritual and you'll learn ancient practices that are not common knowledge.

We begin in June.

 Save your spot here.


Reminders for Artemis Women


The Wild Woman Archetype: Maiden vs Mature Feminine